Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The aggressive defense giants

Dusseldorf - "Our defense should be much likely to score, I wanted to make the Überzahlspiel much more effective. Therefore, I have tried to find the right type for the defense, "said DEG Manager Lance Nethery.
 After Sulzer in the NHL, and Brown and Cullen went after poor performances have been sorted out completely fetched Nethery with Andy Hedlund, Peter Ratchuk his dream player, coach Slavomir Lener took Robert Kantor - and the defense presented jazzed up (after slight teething problems) is exactly the required Anforderungsrofil: fast defensivstark with offensive quality.
In the first two tests (10:2 at second-division food, 4:5 against league rival Wolfsburg), it still rained six clean sheets, but now it fluppt. The new trio is not only behind the store close, but also even cheerful front gates.
Hedlund already met twice in the Blacks, Kantor also Ratchuk also was successful. "We want to build on the entire field pressure on the enemy, but we need two-way defensive player, both defensively and offensively are equally strong," says Coach Lener. Has found DEG in their new items. On Friday (19 clock), they want to strike at the test in Frankfurt again.
League competitor must KEV Sunday (18 Clock, Royal Palace) to abstain from DEG to Daryl Andrews (Ellobogenverletzung).

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Soldo, FC picks up from the cellar!

Cologne - Finally! The FC comes out from the basement. Not yet in the table, but at least comfortable ...
 EXPRESS learned: The professionals soon move to - and share their stuffy cabin at Geißbockheim against modern and larger premises!
Confirmed FC president Wolfgang Overath: "The situation we have already known for some time. We know that the cabin is not exactly optimal. There is little natural light in the cabins, there is a lack of fresh air. We want to improve, have already instructed an architect to ensure that the team comes into the floor upstairs. "
It is about time. In the squat, dark booth for the Kit manager and player of the stay simply a horror. The Dieter Trzolek Physios to have the "hole" (the internal cabin name) is also small space. Professional conditions are different.
Scolded FC hero Lukas Podolski will also have on his return that has improved since his departure in 2005 is not the situation in the catacombs.
On the other hand, we have the staff of the office by the new building just a new, modern, luxurious offices. Zvonimir Soldo even says: "Down there you'll get depressed." He has therefore pushed the matter.
"I've already seen the plans of the architect," he says, "well, that is the club. The players must feel their job well. You need room for diversion. Beds, more space. "
The players hear the like! "A good decision of FC that we get out there" finds Captain Milivoje Novakovic, "down to the basement no sun comes in, no fresh air. That says it all. "
 By the way wanted: Move Soldo and his troupe had last week. The coach had considered after the debacle of Hamburg, a short-hold training camp in Bitburg. Only away from the "hole" through the stench and darkness "shines". "But," Soldo, "by the six national teams from shutdowns to a training camp would have been counterproductive."

Friday, April 16, 2010

Koller agree with Nuremberg

Nuremberg - The Return of the Czech NationalstürmersJan Koller in the Bundesliga winter break to have rücktnäher.
"I am in contact with Nuremberg," the 34-Jährigedem "kicker". "Six months before the EURO I need games." With the 1st FC Nuremberg, Koller was in line with option Eineinhalbjahresvertrag agree dasFachmagazin reported. The decision lay with his club AS Monaco undfalle after Christmas.
"Club" sporting director Martin Bader hattebestätigt that endeavor francs Koller.
2.02 meters, the Czech-man who played a long time with Borussia Dortmund, has Monaconur still have a contract until the end of the season and had recently wegengeringer operating times had little match practice.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Carefree open-air enjoyment

The spring sun on your skin, the scent of blooming flowers in the nose, wind in her hair - Cabriofahren is the feeling of freedom on the road. But there is a lot to consider - especially when it comes to insurance.
Especially important: Many specially typical of convertibles risk of damage is not covered by comprehensive insurance.
Best Example: Who can open his car and this is set by a sudden rainstorm under water, has simply had bad luck. The insurance need not pay.
The open-air fun would soon clouded. Lilo Blunck, chief executive of the Confederation of the insured (BdV), advises: "Get off the convertible season, a picture of what can happen to you. Insurance companies play a big role. "But not only the weather can make for nasty surprises.
For example, if the plastic rear window kinks or scratches scored. The insurance covers only breakage. Even with a hernia as it can cause problems if the window is made of plastic and not glass.
And when the roof ripped open, but nothing was stolen? Lilo Blunck: "Such vandalism damage is covered by comprehensive insurance. The partial coverage but not enough. "
Regardless of whether the Convertible is open or closed: Only the theft received from fixed or fitted or carried, closed parts is assured. This way, including the radio.
Disappear around sunglasses or CDs from the convertible, there is no money from the insurance. Blunck: "Ask your household insurer in such cases, whether he paid for the theft. In some policies, burglary of a motor vehicle is insured. "
Whether the car when parked "at the top can be left without" depends on the duration and parking. Always close windows and doors and lock the steering wheel. Is it dark or is the convertible in a lonely road, you should close the roof in any case. This is recommended especially abroad.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Radu must prove himself

Cologne - One, two, three - who has not? The occupation of the site is increasingly the right of midfield for FC Lotto.
Since romped in the second half even Taner Yalcin, Willie Sanou, Thomas Broich and Daniel Brosinski.
Sergiu Radu on Saturday allowed to try again - and maybe get the last chance to recommend themselves to justify retention in Cologne.
FC coach Christoph Daum probably hoping for Radus former club-doping. The Romanian prepared in Wolfsburg and Stuttgart, a gate, at home, he found himself against the wolves
"Yes, somehow we are motivated against former club always a tick more. It might work so well against VfB ", says Radu.
However, warns the 31-year-old, who is on loan only until the summer of Wolfsburg in front of Stuttgart: "They're a different team than in the first round. We need to throw everything into the scales. We want to appease the fans at home, they have seen for so long without a win more. It is about time. "