Friday, May 28, 2010

Formula 1 is Formula Papa

Monaco - away eight years and 18 championship points, but they have more in common than you think: Jenson Button (29) and Sebastian Vettel (21). Her most important advice comes from his own family: her father.
Norbert Vettel and John Button, they recognized early on the talent of their sons, they sacrificed a lot of free time for their careers, and they are even today still live in almost all races. Welcome to the Formula Papa!
The father in the shark pool paddock - in the era of Alain Prost unthinkable! But the time the consultants were dubious past seems the Papas taking responsibility themselves.
On Father's Day they will come to Monaco, EXPRESS is the closest father-son relationship before - click HERE>

Saturday, May 22, 2010

FC continues to look for Mr. X

Cologne -
The FC-torso and its consequences. The current injury crisis shows once again: Woe to the FC, if they violate the top stars of the troops once more.
I thought that the bosses urge therefore that now, nor to require a new player - the leaders of this team had indeed recently also called for the public. After EXPRESS information there is - as now - four candidates for a transfer.
Vladimir Weiss (Manchester City): A media report for days to the Cologne interest in the Slovakian national team. The apparently prefer to remain in England.
Zoran Tosic (Manchester United): The Serbian international, who for seven million euro transfer fee once came from Partizan Belgrade to "Manchester United" and managed not to jump, is in for a loan interview.
Mehmet Ekici (FC Bayern II), "A perspective players. I have seen him on a DVD, "says coach Zvonimir Soldo on the midfielder, who is the focus of the FC (EXPRESS) reported. As a player from Brazil, as Soldo told:" Yes, there is one candidate that I I also saw on a DVD. With him, we must now await the reaction of the club. "

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Toller VfL ensures Cup sensation

Gummersbach -
The venerable Eugene Haas hall trembled, was already five minutes before the end of the party just right. "Oh how beautiful," sang the 2200 fans out.
VfL your managed after a great presentation of the surprise coup, the crew of the THW Kiel Sead Hasanefendic dismantled in the Cup quarter-finals with 35:28 and moved into the Final Four.
"It was absolutely amazing. Now we'll top it and prematurely celebrate Carnival, "shouted Victor Szilagyi. Against the defending champion, who had begun with twelve riders EM, VfL took over from the start, the command that has already led 3-0 after 90 seconds.
Led by an outstanding Robert Gunnarsson, the hosts played in a real rush and went on 11-5 at half-time of it at 21:12. Even after the bill was the best team in the world up only six goals.
The reason for the sensation was at VfL between the posts. Although Goran Stojanovic had gone with a torn muscle into play, defused the wall of Montenegro 26 balls and took the THW-Stars to despair.
"Thanks to our Physio. He has hingebogen me, "beamed Stojanovic. Consternation against THW coach Gislason, "We were never really into the game and failed again and again to Goran. "

Monday, May 10, 2010

This is the jewelry robber of the Kö

Dusseldorf - The jewelry robbery in front of the Intercontinental, where a couple stole a trader in Stuttgart, jewelry valued at 600,000 euros (EXPRESS reported>) was at the hotel entrance is a video camera. It shows the 30-year-old perpetrator.
The woman had probably abandoned after presentation of false bills and a fake sales pitch in the hotel lobby with the seller, the hotel to show the jewelry their "expert" drivers. It snatched the woman the victim's jewelry bag, jumped into the car of her accomplice and fled with him.
A taxi driver who had taken the victim, followed by Audi, but I lost it from sight. It was discovered later at the Emmerich empty street. The video pictures will hardly help the police, because the perpetrator is not identified.
But there are signs that could bring the police on the trail of the duo. The manager said: "They were not guests of us. We have no influence on who is in our lobby. "

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Cologne's thugs beat folders in hospital

Bochum / Cologne --
Without regard to losses, the thugs rushed forward.
Around 150 of the police as a "problem fans" classified Cologne overcame the barriers in front of the stadium in Bochum, tried to storm the block to score - and took it not even on their own account traveled with FC supporter.
They delivered blows with the security men and police forces.
With dire consequences: Two folders are the security firm "Bochum miners" had severely injured rushed by ambulance to a hospital in Bochum. A group of hooligans had thrown one down, five, six brutal violence occurred to him. Diagnosis: suspicion of liver and Milzriss. The other suffered multiple fractures, including a Acromioclavicular joint blast.
"We were informed by the Bochum Safety Officer of the incidents and we regret that deeply. The 1 FC Cologne will do everything to help in solving these crimes, "says manager Michael Meier, after he had heard of the riots, with 19 arrests and nine injured. Meier was driven further into the game with the Gladbach supporters on the train. "But I can not really be always with you. Nevertheless, we do not put their hands in their laps and we will face this situation. "
Already on the way to the stadium in Cologne supporters crackers and Bengal lights were lit and thrown objects at the police. "The scale of the riots is unprecedented in recent years," said spokesman Christian Schoenhals Bochum.
Cologne Fan Commissioner Rainer Mendel was also dismayed. "It is regrettable that it has come to such incidents. We will help to ensure that the perpetrators be identified - and respond to our opportunities speak to the stadium ban. "
But it is mainly the new brutality that makes all the leaders concerned. Actually, the violence seemed banished from the stadium, but in recent weeks and months, it is increasingly common incidents.
Massive police presence has prevented the Rhine derby between Mönchengladbach and Cologne, the worst recently, but was even a women's soccer match between Leverkusen and Cologne moved out of fear riots before>. Mendelsohn: "The threshold has decreased in recent years more and more. The problem is not only in football but in society. Nevertheless, we are working with all means in order to prevent incidents such as Bochum on Friday. "
As if to mock incorrigible held up a poster in the Cologne block "The smear (police) has nothing on the Red Handle. Cologne Hooligans box again. " Who can stop these thugs?
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