Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Cologne's thugs beat folders in hospital

Bochum / Cologne --
Without regard to losses, the thugs rushed forward.
Around 150 of the police as a "problem fans" classified Cologne overcame the barriers in front of the stadium in Bochum, tried to storm the block to score - and took it not even on their own account traveled with FC supporter.
They delivered blows with the security men and police forces.
With dire consequences: Two folders are the security firm "Bochum miners" had severely injured rushed by ambulance to a hospital in Bochum. A group of hooligans had thrown one down, five, six brutal violence occurred to him. Diagnosis: suspicion of liver and Milzriss. The other suffered multiple fractures, including a Acromioclavicular joint blast.
"We were informed by the Bochum Safety Officer of the incidents and we regret that deeply. The 1 FC Cologne will do everything to help in solving these crimes, "says manager Michael Meier, after he had heard of the riots, with 19 arrests and nine injured. Meier was driven further into the game with the Gladbach supporters on the train. "But I can not really be always with you. Nevertheless, we do not put their hands in their laps and we will face this situation. "
Already on the way to the stadium in Cologne supporters crackers and Bengal lights were lit and thrown objects at the police. "The scale of the riots is unprecedented in recent years," said spokesman Christian Schoenhals Bochum.
Cologne Fan Commissioner Rainer Mendel was also dismayed. "It is regrettable that it has come to such incidents. We will help to ensure that the perpetrators be identified - and respond to our opportunities speak to the stadium ban. "
But it is mainly the new brutality that makes all the leaders concerned. Actually, the violence seemed banished from the stadium, but in recent weeks and months, it is increasingly common incidents.
Massive police presence has prevented the Rhine derby between Mönchengladbach and Cologne, the worst recently, but was even a women's soccer match between Leverkusen and Cologne moved out of fear riots before>. Mendelsohn: "The threshold has decreased in recent years more and more. The problem is not only in football but in society. Nevertheless, we are working with all means in order to prevent incidents such as Bochum on Friday. "
As if to mock incorrigible held up a poster in the Cologne block "The smear (police) has nothing on the Red Handle. Cologne Hooligans box again. " Who can stop these thugs?
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